Sunday, January 02, 2005

Crime Fightin' English Language Easifier Mitt Romney

From fafblog on Mitt Romney's work with criminal justice. "The standard "beyond a reasonable doubt" would be replaced with "no doubt,"....." Another state is also working to eliminate the term "preponderance of evidence" and replace it with "most of the evidence". As an aside, The National Association Of Folksy Talking Lawyers were at one point floating the term "If it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck, etc. etc. but they were unable to get the idea off the ground. Anyway, modern jurors just don't understand all this fancy legal patois so the move is on to make things easier.

Consideration was given to insisting that people acquire a basic familiarity with their native language, (read & study, fund public schools,etc.) but that would have meant missing Judge Judy. It was also noted that you don't really need to know a whole heap of five dollar words if you're working at Staples.Fafblog! the whole worlds only source for Fafblog.: "Kill 'em all and let Romney sort 'em out"

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