Thursday, July 13, 2006

When Big Dig tunnel ceiling fell, mere accident or crime? |

From The Christian Science Monitor

>>Transportation officials have linked those bolt fixtures to the collapse of concrete ceiling panels, which killed a Boston woman. Now, Mr. Reilly is charging that contractors knew as early as 1999 that there was a problem with those bolts because five of them failed during testing.

"It was not only identified, but there was a plan to address that problem," he [Reilly] said. "What we're trying to determine right now is: Was that plan implemented?"<<

I'm with him as far as that goes. But I do have a question. How long has Reilly himself, or his office, known about the defects with the bolts and the plan to fix them? He's been investigating other Big Dig matters, he should be familiar with the entire project. How is it he missed this, or did he?When Big Dig tunnel ceiling fell, mere accident or crime? |

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