Sunday, April 24, 2005

Crips Find Boyle On Their Ass

From - Bush Nominee Imperils Gains of Citizens with Disabilities
By Jim Ward - Originally published April 20, 2005 in the Baltimore Sun

In a 1997 decision, Judge Boyle, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1984, criticized the ADA as a law that "seeks to single out the disabled for special, advantageous treatment." He also has permitted state officials to use the doctrine of states' rights to avoid complying with the ADA. This states' rights interpretation was later overruled by the Supreme Court.

In another case, Judge Boyle was willing to let an employer largely define the "reasonable" accommodation it was required to make under the ADA for a worker with a disability. Judge Boyle's judgment tipped the playing field so heavily to the employer that a higher court called this part of his ruling "particularly inappropriate."

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