Monday, November 07, 2005

Let's Expand The Do Not Call List

Creating a Do Not Call list to stop the steady stream of calls from telemarketers that plagued everyone through the eighties and nineties was a good start but I think we ought to be able to add politicians, business groups* and Political Action Groups, PACS, to the list.
During the recent campaign here in Boston I have had at least two dozen calls and they have been just as much of an interruption and an inconvenience as all those old telemarketing pitches. Beyond that, they're not even calls from people. They're computer generated, some of them from out of state according to my caller ID, and for whatever technical reason the beginning is often cut off so the message will often begin with something like, "...ning for City Council and I would appreciate etc. etc. ...". People who are old enough to remember Bob & Ray and their old Wally Ballou routine will know exactly what I mean.
And...they use up time and space on my answering machine tape and there is every bit of a possibiltiy that the tape will run out and I will miss an important message because of the unwanted and irresponsible use of my machine. One more thing??? If you hang up on one of these calls they don't necessarily hang up right away so if you need to make an emergency call you might find that you're not able to dial out when you need to.

*The worst offender by far is the Small Property Owners Association. They have called at least five times and one of those calls was from Michigan so they're not even paying local people to do the work. They're effectively hiring carpetbaggers to harass me. For the rest, I think I've averaged two calls from everyone I'm eligible to vote for.
And last but not least, as bad as this might be for the average person it's worse for me because I am disabled and chasing the telephone is a problem even when there's not a campaign going on. If this is the new approach I am dreading the statewide and national elections when they come around.

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