Sunday, April 24, 2005

Crips Find Boyle On Their Ass

From - Bush Nominee Imperils Gains of Citizens with Disabilities
By Jim Ward - Originally published April 20, 2005 in the Baltimore Sun

In a 1997 decision, Judge Boyle, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1984, criticized the ADA as a law that "seeks to single out the disabled for special, advantageous treatment." He also has permitted state officials to use the doctrine of states' rights to avoid complying with the ADA. This states' rights interpretation was later overruled by the Supreme Court.

In another case, Judge Boyle was willing to let an employer largely define the "reasonable" accommodation it was required to make under the ADA for a worker with a disability. Judge Boyle's judgment tipped the playing field so heavily to the employer that a higher court called this part of his ruling "particularly inappropriate."

Virus pits itself against music pirates | Tech News on ZDNet

>>A hacker has created a virus that targets music lovers by deleting MP3 files on infected computers, according to antivirus company Sophos.<<

Sure sure, blame the French. They're an easy target these days. :-)   I wonder if this guy had some sort of secret funding from the recording industry.

Virus pits itself against music pirates | Tech News on ZDNet

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Technorati Tags, Blogspot Spam and Metacrap

From Carnage4Life - "A few months ago I wrote a post entitled Technorati Tags: Why Do Bad Ideas Keep Resurfacing? which pointed out that Technorati Tags had the same problems that had plagued previous metadata self-annotation schemes on the Web such as HTML META tags. The main problem being that People Lie. Since then I've seen a number of complaints from developers of search engines that depend on RSS metadata."
Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - Technorati Tags, Blogspot Spam and Metacrap

The Elixir Of Life

Glossy ganoderma was reputed as the “elixir of life” since ancient times, and is a rare and traditional Chinese medicine in China.   
Qingyuan Jingyuan Mushroom Polysaccharide Product Company.,Ltd

People's Daily Online -- Huge wild glossy ganoderma spotted in Henan

People's Daily Online -- Huge wild glossy ganoderma spotted in Henan

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Listen To Any Baseball Game

Major League Baseball has a great deal. $14.95 buys internet access to any game. Listen to home or away broadcasts including second languages broadcasts in cities that have them. RealPlayer or Windows Media Player is required. They call the program Gameday Audio and they've been doing it for several years now. When they started they were overcharging and the service had bugs and was balky but they've lowered the price, sprayed some Raid and things are much better. Check it out.

Consumers Not Told Of Security Breaches, Data Brokers Admit (

From the Washington Post - "Security breaches at data brokers, banks and universities have focused attention on a booming marketplace for sensitive personal information that is routinely collected, sold and increasingly abused." The full story talks about proposed legislation.
Consumers Not Told Of Security Breaches, Data Brokers Admit (

Podscope: New Search Engine Will Allow You to Keyword Search Every Word Spoken in a Podcast

Also from Search Engine Watch Blog. Podscope: New Search Engine Will Allow You to Keyword Search Every Word Spoken in a Podcast

Update: NY Gubernatorial Candidate Removes Google Ad

From Search Engine Watch Blog with the quote from Reuters:   "It wasn't appropriate, and as soon as Mr. Spitzer found out about it, he had it removed it as soon as possible," Darren Dopp, a spokesman for the New York attorney general, told Reuters.   Update: NY Gubernatorial Candidate Removes Google Ad

NY Governor Candidate Spitzer Targets Google Ads Against Prosecution Victim

From Search Engine Watch Blog   NY Governor Candidate Spitzer Targets Google Ads Against Prosecution Victim

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 Cam: Sun Animated

See the sun's activity for the last 48 hours. The animation lasts about ten seconds and runs in a loop. Cam: Sun Animated

Friday, April 08, 2005

And Speaking of The Yankees

Four different teams have won the World Series since the Yankees last did. And they themselves have kicked away two of those series. The drought is on. How long will it last?

Overlaid not Interlocked

Jere exposes overblown Yankees logo claims! A Red Sox Fan In Pinstripe Territory: "Interlocking," My Ass

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Yahoo! News - Warner Music Gets Another Subpoena from Spitzer

"The investigation is examining the time-honored practice of
music companies' paying independent promoters hundreds of
millions of dollars a year to help secure valuable radio air time
for songs."

"It [Warner Music] said it cannot predict the outcome of the
investigation but that the probe has the potential to result in
financial penalties or change the way the
music industry promotes records."

Yahoo! News - Warner Music Gets Another Subpoena from Spitzer

Quote Of The Month

Ancient wisdom from The Devil's Dictionary:

Corporation: An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility. -Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914) [The Devil's Dictionary]

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Podcasting, where's it going?

One angle from Rex Hammock with a reference to comments by Darren Bearfoot. Rex Hammock's Weblog

>>However, the "killer-app" content will be that which has no professional alternative: A report from a Mom to her two children away in college; a recording of a Sunday School class for six people who couldn't attend; an inspirationial chat from the regional sales manager to 15 sales people to listen to while driving between calls; an explanation of a new product by the lead engineer; a father's play-by-play description of a Little League baseball game -- all showing up automagically on the iPod or other MP3 player of the individuals who "subscribe" to it.<<

Sunday, April 03, 2005

invite-only elitism

In general it's as old as humanity and it exists in a multitude of forms but the latest use for it comes to us from Google via Yahoo 360. Make You Go Hmm lays it out.