Thursday, September 21, 2006

Tweaked Firefox Lets You Surf Internet Without a Trace - Yahoo! News

Public spirited citizens at Hactivismo come to the aid of a much spied upon public. Said one member of said public, "Internet wise, you can't walk down the friggin street without ten or fifteen assholes trying to figure out where you keep your wallet. It's none of your business. Stop fucking following me."

Tweaked Firefox Lets You Surf Internet Without a Trace - Yahoo! News: "A tweaked version of Firefox that makes Web browsing anonymous has been released by a group of privacy-minded coders.

Every few minutes, the Torpark browser causes a computer's IP address to appear to change. IP addresses are numeric identifier given to computers on the Internet. The number can be used along with other data to potentially track down a user, as many Web sites keep track of IP addresses.

Hackers Promote Privacy

Torpark's creators, a group of computer security gurus and privacy experts named Hactivismo, said they want to expand privacy rights on the Internet as new technologies increasingly collect online data."

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