Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Gate: Blackwater CEO Confident -- And For Good Reason (10/02/07)

The Gate: Blackwater CEO Confident -- And For Good Reason (10/02/07):

"In the meantime, it is unclear what will become of the Blackwater employees involved in that shooting if they are found to have acted negligently or maliciously. In one of his final acts as head of the Coalition Provisional Authority, Ambassador Paul Bremer issued an order exempting U.S. contractors from Iraqi law. The employees' actions could maybe, possibly be prosecutable under American civilian or military law, but with a lot of legal leapfrogging. It's not clear how much of a stomach a U.S. prosecutor or the U.S. military would have for the fight, and considering it hasn't happened yet after more than four years of reported abuses, Balkinization's David Luban writes, it's unlikely. If Prince seemed incredibly confident during his grilling today, that may be why."

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