Friday, December 07, 2007

Can The Boston Celtics Win It All?

The Boston Celtics will probably be 16-2 later tonight. Given that this will be the best start to a season they’ve ever had I think it’s time to ask just how good they are? Before the season I thought they would be a much better team, with very good but not championship level playoff prospects. Now they’re on a pace to win over 70 games which would be as good or better than any other NBA team ever. It seems unlikely in the long run, the tougher teams are out west and they haven’t played any of them yet, the season can grind players down, injuries happen, but right now they’re the best thing going in the league. And they look to be strong contenders to win it all.
How good a coach is Doc Rivers? Up to now it hasn’t really mattered that much but if the championship is at stake I’m a lot more interested in the answer.

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