Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Michelle Malkin and the anatomy of the 2 million protester lie | Media Matters for America

A long and thorough look at the overblown crowd estimates from the TeaParty march in DC this past saturday.

"According to estimates provided by the Washington, D.C., fire department, Malkin and friends were only off by 1,930,000 people. In other words, Malkin, citing fictitious press accounts, led the charge to falsely inflate the size of the crowd by 30 times. Malkin and company, desperate to dress up the tea party event as a mass movement, saw a relatively modest crowd of 70,000 GOP protesters and imagined it was 2 million strong. (She's a dreamer, I suppose.)"

Michelle Malkin and the anatomy of the 2 million protester lie | Media Matters for America:

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