Saturday, July 30, 2011

Florida Citizens for Science � Blog Archive � Professor says he was dismissed for teaching evolution

Florida Citizens for Science � Blog Archive � Professor says he was dismissed for teaching evolution:

"Dr. Coffman recalled a time when the Dean of Academics told all of the pharmacy students during a bible study meeting that it never rained on Earth before Noah’s flood. Instead, water came up out of the ground like sprinklers."

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Express Scripts to Buy Medco for $29.1 Billion - Bloomberg

Express Scripts to Buy Medco for $29.1 Billion - Bloomberg

GOP Rep. Womack Admits His Ignorance

Closed Door GOP Meeting Stresses Economic “Meltdown” Default Would Likely Cause | Rise of the Center:

"The warnings appeared to have softened the views of at least some House members who, until now, were inclined to dismiss statements by administration officials, business leaders and outside economists that the economic impact would be dire if the federal government were suddenly unable to pay its bills.

Freshman Rep. Steve Womack (R-Ark.) said the presentation about skyrocketing interest rates that could result from downgraded bond ratings was “sobering.”

“It illustrates to us that doing nothing is unacceptable,” he said. “I think the conference understands this is a defining moment for us. It’s time to put the next election aside.”


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Daily Kos: Evil genius or cop out? The McConnell�capitulation

Daily Kos: Evil genius or cop out? The McConnell�capitulation: "That Dem source who is quaking at McConnell's 'genius' is part of that insider Beltway crowd that thinks that voters give a rat's ass about the deficit.

So Republicans would get three votes to 'disapprove' of Obama's debt-ceiling raising actions. Oh noes! Is that like a sternly worded letter?

Look, the Democratic stimulus package of 2009 was the largest tax cut in American history, and Republicans still accused Democrats of raising taxes in 2010. That's what Republicans do.

So the Dems could slash the deficit down to zero this year, and Republicans would STILL run around accusing them of spending too much. It's what they do. They've only got a few tricks in their bag (abortion! taxes! deficit! gay people!).

So McConnell's plan gives Republicans the ability to bash Democrats for spending, which they would do anyway, and this is a big victory for them? Genius? Hardly. This is a capitulation.

Just watching teabagger heads explode will be worth the price of admission."

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Patent Bill Shows Wall Street Has Clout in Washington -

Patent Bill Shows Wall Street Has Clout in Washington - "Other companies, including high-tech firms like VeriFone and Square, the mobile phone payment start-up, could be affected by the law, putting their patents in jeopardy. Cantor Fitzgerald, known for its computer-based bond brokerage, has a number of valuable patents that could similarly fall under the legislation."

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Gore Vidal � Gore Vidal on Ayn Rand in 1961: ‘She Has a Great Attraction for Simple People’

Gore Vidal � Gore Vidal on Ayn Rand in 1961: ‘She Has a Great Attraction for Simple People’: "The mindset of Rand's followers has channged over the decades. “She has a great attraction for simple people” Vidal said then, “who are puzzled by organized society, who object to paying taxes, who dislike the ‘welfare’ state, who feel guilt at the thought of the suffering of others but who would like to harden their hearts. For them, she has an enticing prescription: altruism is the root of all evil, self-interest is the only good, and if you’re dumb or incompetent that’s your lookout.”"