Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Getting naked with DRM-free iTunes upgrades: the details

Getting naked with DRM-free iTunes upgrades: the details: "Evaluating your library

To get a better sense of what you're dealing with when upgrading, you can easily create a Smart Playlist as follows. Choose File > New Smart Playlist. Create a new playlist whose Kind Contains Protected, as shown below, and click OK. The members of this playlist represent the DRMed items in your library. The number of items listed (in my case, about 800 tracks) is likely quite different from what the upgrade bubble shows (18) and will give you a truer sense of what your upgrade may really cost when iTunes goes DRM-free in April.

Use a Smart Playlist to get a sense of what parts of your library are DRMed iTunes purchases

At this time, iTunes Plus costs $0.30 per track and $0.60 per music video to upgrade. Ars contacted Apple to see if this policy will continue under the new DRM-free store, but received no reply as of this writing. Assuming that the upgrade policy continues as it currently operates, here is what you can expect."

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